Church staff

Helping God’s flock hear the Good Shepherd’s voice

Brian Pechman

Lead Pastor

Pastor Pechman serves in the areas of outreach, spiritual growth and congregational direction. The Pechman family enjoys hiking, trivia and a good scavenger hunt. He has served in a variety of mission fields, Canada (2000-2006)…California (2006-2011)…and Georgia (2011-2024).

Adam Bode


Pastor Bode ministers in the areas of Worship, Inreach, and Administration at St. Paul’s. He served in school ministry for 3 years and has now been in parish ministry since 2009. He particularly loves preaching, singing and playing the trumpet.

Luther Curia

Staff Minister

Mr. Curia graduated from Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN in 2003 and began teaching at St. Paul’s that fall. He currently serves in the areas of fellowship events, Bible studies, Worship, and music coordination.