Jesus’ resurrection…authentic, impactful, powerful, personal.

Join us this Easter to hear a story that is authentic, meaningful, and deeply personal. Jesus came into our world to sacrifice his life so that you could have forgiveness, healing, and peace. He died for a broken world - but he didn't stay dead. God invites you to rejoice in Jesus’ resurrection…because it means sin is forgiven, guilt is gone, and our relationship with God is restored. This hope is founded on fact and lived by faith. You can have certainty…Because He Lives.

Holy Week/Easter Worship Opportunities:

  • Palm Sunday - Procession of Palms | Sunday, April 13th @ 8:00a & 10:30a

  • Holy Thursday Service | Thursday, April 17th @ 6:30p

  • Good Friday Service of Seven Words | Friday, April 18th @ 1:00p & 6:30p

  • Easter Vigil Service | Saturday, April 19th @ 7:20p (time of this service is determined by sunset)

  • Easter Festival Service | Sunday, April 20th @ 8:00a & 10:30a (light brunch between services)

Find all of these services broadcast online (with the exception of the Easter Vigil) with our WORSHIP @ HOME RESOURCES.