Worship Times
Sundays 8:00 & 10:30 am
Mondays 6:00 pm
Dear worshippers of the Triune God -
The parable Jesus tells us today is incredible. Even if you grew up with a very poor home life, there isn’t one sinner who doesn’t long inwardly to be in this incredible and blessed home, the home of heaven. The problem is it is so hard to turn from the circumstances before us and return to our heavenly Father. Why? It means admitting our wrongs. It leaves us exposed…how is he going to treat us? How is he going to receive us? What will the rest of the family think about our presence again when we return?
The story of the Prodigal Son hits home for us as we see a Father’s unconditional love, our Father’s gracious forgiveness, and the restored relationship he places on us.
Come home to the Triune God this weekend!
God bless you all - Pastor Mueller