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SPL Worship | The Need for Followership | 10.20.24
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SPL Worship | The Need for Followership | 10.20.24

Oct 19th, 2024 |

Going through life blind to God is deadly. Today’s worship is about seeing ourselves and our complete dependence on God clearly. Then we go about each day by Spirit-worked faith looking to Jesus. Our sermon comes from Mark 10.

Wonderfully Made - November 9th
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Wonderfully Made - November 9th

Oct 14th, 2024 |

Join us on November 9th from 10am-12pm for our next JAM session-Wonderfully Made! At this event we will have a Bible story, crafts and activities about the five senses, and snacks!

SPL Worship | “The Need for Followership” | 10.13.24
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SPL Worship | “The Need for Followership” | 10.13.24

Oct 11th, 2024 |

In our natural pride…we fail to see our need. When we fail to see our need…we fail to see our Savior. There is nothing we can do to inherit eternal life. So God gives it as a gift.

SPL Worship | The Need for Followership | 10.6.24
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SPL Worship | The Need for Followership | 10.6.24

Oct 4th, 2024 |

In our families, we need to love rightly, in a way that leads to blessings for those we claim to love. In Jesus we see perfect, self-sacrificial love: he loves us as we are, yet he also loved us too much to leave us as we are. Our sermon today is from Mark 10.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Living Nativity

St. Paul’s Lutheran Living Nativity

Oct 2nd, 2024 |

St. Paul’s Living Nativity is a highlight of both our congregation and community. Started in 2003, we have presented the Biblical story of Jesus’ birth to over 30,000 people! Come and see it the first weekend of every December.

SPL Worship | The Need for Followership | 09.29.24
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SPL Worship | The Need for Followership | 09.29.24

Sep 27th, 2024 |

Since the fifth century, Christians have observed the Festival of St. Michael and All Angels...powerful allies who serve and protect mankind.

SPL Worship | “The Need for Followership” | September 22, 2024
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SPL Worship | “The Need for Followership” | September 22, 2024

Sep 20th, 2024 |

Humility and pride are polar opposites. The one who is proud demands to be served. The one who is humble is not content unless serving others. Jesus is our perfect substitute for forgiveness and our ultimate example for living. Our sermon comes from Mark 9.

Christian Funeral for Erwin Eickhoff
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Christian Funeral for Erwin Eickhoff

Sep 18th, 2024 |

We will seek God’s comfort and rejoice in the resurrection at the Christian funeral of Erwin Eickhoff on September 21 at 11:00 am.

SPL Worship | “The Need for Followership” | 09.15.24
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SPL Worship | “The Need for Followership” | 09.15.24

Sep 13th, 2024 |

The Need for Followership: armed against the devil. Christ has already called you his own and equipped you for this war. Followers of Christ are armed for the battle against the devil.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, September 8, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, September 8, 2024

Sep 6th, 2024 |

Jesus' miracles signify that he is the one God promised to save us. May the power of Jesus’ name amaze us today as we follow him! Our sermon today comes from Mark 7.

Worship Services  |  “The Need for Followership”  |  09.01/02.24
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Worship Services | “The Need for Followership” | 09.01/02.24

Aug 30th, 2024 |

"The Need for Followership" | In this worship series, we ask Christ to empower us with his Spirit so that we might better follow his lead.

St. Paul’s Worship Services August 25 & 26, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services August 25 & 26, 2024

Aug 24th, 2024 |

Jesus made it clear that no one can choose to believe in him or come to him. Yet he leads us to let all our choices as his followers bring us back to him. Where else would we go? “Stay with the Bread of Life.” Our sermon today comes from Hebrews 11.

St. Paul’s Worship Services August 18 & 19, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services August 18 & 19, 2024

Aug 17th, 2024 |

Today Jesus explains that we need God to work within us, so that we have the wisdom to see that this food gives life and the faith to find this bread most delicious. God has given us the Bread of Life. Our sermon comes from John 6.

Seeking Jesus Women’s Retreat
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Seeking Jesus Women’s Retreat

Aug 11th, 2024 |

Join us on Oct. 19th for Seeking Jesus Women’s Retreat from 8:30a.m -4:00 p.m. This full-day retreat includes an opening devotion, two keynote speakers, breakout sessions, beautiful music, fellowship and of course food. We hope you can join us for an enriching day, getting to know other women and growing in God’s Word together.

St. Paul’s Worship Services August 11 & 12, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services August 11 & 12, 2024

Aug 9th, 2024 |

Today, as Jesus talks to people in Capernaum and to us in Howards Grove, he shows us the eternal value of that which never expires. “Seek the Bread that Lasts.” Our sermon comes from John 6.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, August 4 & 5, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, August 4 & 5, 2024

Aug 2nd, 2024 |

Meaningful ministry is built on this powerfully pictured truth. Through it all...the Lord is there. Jesus removes his disciples’ fear by his comforting and powerful presence. Our sermon today comes from Mark 6.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, July 28 & 29, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, July 28 & 29, 2024

Jul 26th, 2024 |

There are so many choices at the grocery store. Yet we owe it all to the Lord. Today we worship him who provides for all: “You Open Your Hand and Satisfy.” Our sermon comes from Psalm 145.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, July 21 & 22, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, July 21 & 22, 2024

Jul 19th, 2024 |

Jesus' disciples needed rest after some exhausting days of ministry. Yet this was so much more than a vacation. It was quiet time alone with him to be truly refreshed in their soul. To us also today, “The Shepherd Offers Rest.” Our sermon comes from Jeremiah 23.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, July 14 & 15, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, July 14 & 15, 2024

Jul 12th, 2024 |

When our God calls us to do ministry…he also gives us authority. We are sharing God’s own authoritative Word. This is meaningful ministry as Jesus gives instructions for disciples. Our sermon today comes from Matthew 9-10.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, July 7 & 8, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, July 7 & 8, 2024

Jul 5th, 2024 |

When we’re drenched in guilt and drowning in life, where will we turn and who will rescue us? Only Jesus. He is “Our Courage in the Storm.” Our sermon today comes from Mark 4.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, June 30 & July 1, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, June 30 & July 1, 2024

Jun 28th, 2024 |

The Lord has made us managers of all that he has entrusted to us: our time, our skills, our finances. Today, we look to our gracious God to learn about “Stewardship that Surpasses Expectations”. Our sermon comes from 2 Corinthians 8.

St. Paul’s Worship Services June 23 & 24, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services June 23 & 24, 2024

Jun 21st, 2024 |

Each of us must face death. When a prominent leader's daughter died, Jesus told him not to be afraid; just believe. Since Jesus has power over death, we also can “Trust Jesus for Life.” Our sermon comes from Lamentations 3.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, June 16 & 17, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, June 16 & 17, 2024

Jun 14th, 2024 |

There is so much about farming that is out of our control. Yet things will still grow. Today, Jesus teaches us that “God’s Kingdom Grows”. Our sermon comes from Philippians 1.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, June 9 & 10, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, June 9 & 10, 2024

Jun 7th, 2024 |

The devil can do his worst. But it is not enough. The Lord promised to crush his head. Jesus came to tie him up. In Jesus, the victory is ours. “Satan is Bound to Lose.” Our sermon today comes from Revelation 20.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, June 2 & 3, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, June 2 & 3, 2024

May 31st, 2024 |

When Jesus’ hungry disciples picked some grain on the Sabbath, the Pharisees accused them of unlawful working. Today, Jesus teaches the true meaning of the Sabbath and says to “Give Legalism a Rest”. Our sermon comes from Deuteronomy 5.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, May 26 & 27, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, May 26 & 27, 2024

May 24th, 2024 |

Just who is God? On this Trinity Sunday, we consider the One whom the Spirit leads us to trust. Now and forever, “The Triune God Gives Us Life.” Our sermon comes from Isaiah 6.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, May 19 & 20, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, May 19 & 20, 2024

May 18th, 2024 |

Like a powerful tidal wave, the Holy Spirit was poured out on Pentecost to saturate Jerusalem with the message of the Savior. Once again today, we have “The Holy Spirit Sent with Testimony”. Our sermon comes from Ezekiel 37.

Built on Jesus - June 8th
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Built on Jesus - June 8th

May 13th, 2024 |

Come JAM with us Saturday, June 8th from 10am-12pm for a Bible story, STEM activities, and crafts that remind us how we need to be "Built on Jesus"!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, May 12 & 13, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, May 12 & 13, 2024

May 11th, 2024 |

Now ascended to God’s right hand, Jesus prays to the Father on our behalf, that we would be “Protected by God’s Powerful Name.” Our sermon comes from John 17.

Ascension Service in Cleveland, May 9, 2024
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Ascension Service in Cleveland, May 9, 2024

May 8th, 2024 |

St. Paul’s Worship Services, May 5 & 6, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, May 5 & 6, 2024

May 3rd, 2024 |

This weekend thirteen young people are confirmed in the faith. Though many walk away from Jesus, we are “Determined to Remain with the Lord”. Our sermon comes from John 6.

St. Paul’s Worship - April 28th and 29th

St. Paul’s Worship - April 28th and 29th

Apr 28th, 2024 |

St. Paul’s Worship Services April 28 & 29, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services April 28 & 29, 2024

Apr 26th, 2024 |

Jesus says that anyone connected to him will bear much fruit. He was talking about the good works produced by believers that are deliciously sweet to God in heaven. Our sermon comes from Acts 8.

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Apr 19th, 2024 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, April 21 & 22, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, April 21 & 22, 2024

Apr 19th, 2024 |

Jesus' love and care far surpass ours for a family pet. He was willing to lay down his life for us, his sheep. We have the best Shepherd! “Our Risen Lord Shepherds Us.” Our sermon today comes from Acts 20.

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Apr 16th, 2024 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, April 14 & 15, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, April 14 & 15, 2024

Apr 12th, 2024 |

The resurrection gives a completely new outlook on life. Everything is new for us, including the new life we are to live. “Our Risen Lord Calls for Repentance.” The sermon today comes from Acts 3.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, April 7 & 8, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, April 7 & 8, 2024

Apr 5th, 2024 |

No matter what fears have us feeling trapped, Jesus comes to us today and offers the message of forgiveness, proof of his presence, and the confidence of eternal life in him. “Our Risen Lord Calls Out Peace.” Today's sermon comes from John 20.

Church Newsletter
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Church Newsletter

Apr 1st, 2024 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Easter Worship Services, March 31, 2024
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St. Paul’s Easter Worship Services, March 31, 2024

Mar 31st, 2024 |

There are so many things in life that we don’t know. But we do know the most important thing. “I Know that My Redeemer Lives.” Our sermon comes from Mark 16.

St. Paul’s Good Friday Service, March 29, 2024
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St. Paul’s Good Friday Service, March 29, 2024

Mar 29th, 2024 |

When Jesus died on Good Friday, he said "It is Finished!" And he meant it. Our sins are completely paid for. This is not just a good day. It is a great day. It doesn't get any better. Our sermon today comes from Hebrews 7.

St. Paul’s Maundy Thursday Worship Service, March 28, 2024
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St. Paul’s Maundy Thursday Worship Service, March 28, 2024

Mar 28th, 2024 |

What a blessing it is to be together! Jesus longed to be together with his disciples on Maundy Thursday. He longs to be together with us for eternal life. Our sermon is from Psalm 116.

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Mar 27th, 2024 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, March 24 & 25
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, March 24 & 25

Mar 22nd, 2024 |

Many people are cheering for their favorite team this weekend. Today we join the people of Jerusalem to praise Jesus, who won the greatest upset victory, overturning death and the devil. “Hosanna to our King!” Our sermon comes from Mark 11.

St. Paul’s Lent Worship Service, March 20, 2024
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St. Paul’s Lent Worship Service, March 20, 2024

Mar 20th, 2024 |

Our Wednesday evening worship series this year is entitled “God on Trial”. Tonight’s emphasis is on “Misconceptions”. Our sermon comes from Luke 23.

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Mar 19th, 2024 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, March 17 & 18, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, March 17 & 18, 2024

Mar 15th, 2024 |

Today Jesus asks for our prayers and encouragement for the next generation of pastors, teachers, staff ministers, and missionaries. There are billions people that need to hear the life-giving gospel. “Ask the Lord for Workers.” Our sermon today is from Matthew 9.

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran, Howards Grove, WI - March 13th, 2024
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St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran, Howards Grove, WI - March 13th, 2024

Mar 13th, 2024 |

Our Wednesday evening worship series this year is entitled “God on Trial”. Tonight’s emphasis is on “Accusations”. Our sermon tonight comes from Job 40 & 42.

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Mar 12th, 2024 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

Family Fun in February!
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Family Fun in February!

Mar 10th, 2024 |

At our JAM event last month - Stuck on Jesus - we had some "sticky" fun with STEM activities and crafts!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, March 10 & 11, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, March 10 & 11, 2024

Mar 9th, 2024 |

Apart from anything we do, God loved the world and saves us and promises us life. By the Holy Spirit, we simply fix the eyes of our heart on God’s promises in his Son: “Look to Jesus in Faith.” Our sermon today is from Ephesians 2.

St. Paul’s Lent Worship Service, March 6, 2024
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St. Paul’s Lent Worship Service, March 6, 2024

Mar 6th, 2024 |

Our Wednesday evening worship series this year is entitled “God on Trial”. Tonight’s emphasis is on “Truth”. Our sermon comes from John 18.

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Mar 5th, 2024 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, March 3 & 4, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, March 3 & 4, 2024

Mar 3rd, 2024 |

The Jews at Jesus' time thought they had worship all figured out. Yet a frenzy of activity was crowding out the fear of the LORD. Jesus went to work and whipped the foolishness out of them. Today, may Jesus drive us to his cross, and so lead us to “Worship with Wisdom.” Our sermon comes from 1 Corinthians 1.

Church Newsletter
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Church Newsletter

Mar 1st, 2024 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

Lent Wednesday Worship Service, February 28, 2024
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Lent Wednesday Worship Service, February 28, 2024

Feb 27th, 2024 |

Our Wednesday evening worship series this year is entitled “God on Trial”. Tonight’s emphasis is on “Restraint”. Our sermon is from Luke 22.

St. Paul’s Worship Services February 25 & 26, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services February 25 & 26, 2024

Feb 23rd, 2024 |

As we review the importance of Jesus’ own cross for our salvation this Lent, today we also learn how we are to “Follow Jesus Under the Cross.” Our sermon comes from Romans 5.

Lent 2 Worship Service, February 21, 2024

Lent 2 Worship Service, February 21, 2024

Feb 21st, 2024 |

Sympathy - Pastor Steve Wall

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Feb 20th, 2024 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, February 18 & 19, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, February 18 & 19, 2024

Feb 16th, 2024 |

In the beginning, the devil’s temptations led to the fall into sin and death for all. He is at work tempting each of us already first thing every morning. Here on the first Sunday in Lent, we look at our Savior’s first task after his baptism: confronting the devil’s temptations. His victory is ours. Our sermon is based on Mark 1.

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Feb 14th, 2024 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

Ash Wednesday Worship Service, February 14, 2024
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Ash Wednesday Worship Service, February 14, 2024

Feb 13th, 2024 |

Christians approach the season of Lent by fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of God. Our service theme: Now is the Time for Repentance.

St. Paul’s Worship, February 11 & 12, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship, February 11 & 12, 2024

Feb 10th, 2024 |

During dark and difficult days of self-denial and cross-carrying throughout this life, we draw assurance and hope from “The Transfiguration of our Lord”. Our sermon is from Mark 9.

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Feb 6th, 2024 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship February 4 & 5
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St. Paul’s Worship February 4 & 5

Feb 4th, 2024 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family and Friends, This weekend we see the Lord meet us...even in the most challenging of places. He meets us in our suffering, our hurts, and our low places. In spite of our attitudes and egos, he speaks to us and lifts us up with encouragement and promise. Come fly and walk and run... by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ God speaks to you! Pastor Mueller

Church Newsletter
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Church Newsletter

Feb 1st, 2024 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, January 28 & 29, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, January 28 & 29, 2024

Jan 27th, 2024 |

In the season of Epiphany, we get out a microscope and take a close look at Jesus. Today, we see “Christ Revealed with Authority”. Our sermon today is from Mark 1.

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Jan 23rd, 2024 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship January 21 & 22
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St. Paul’s Worship January 21 & 22

Jan 19th, 2024 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family and Friends - Why does a pastor preach? Why does he want to minister? The obstacles are many. Sin abounds. Stubbornness is always present. Sometimes the tension gets thick. But Jesus sent out disciples. Paul wanted to share the word not because of force but because of love - God's love. _It's compelling_. God has an incredible message to share...how he has removed the thick air and the reason for stubbornness by paying for sin. He did that when he sent you a Savior named Jesus Christ. Come and worship him. Come and grow. And be reconciled to God. God bless you this weekend - Pastor Mueller

January Church Newsletter
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January Church Newsletter

Jan 19th, 2024 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Jan 16th, 2024 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, January 14 & 15, 2024
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, January 14 & 15, 2024

Jan 12th, 2024 |

At Jesus baptism, he saw heaven torn open and the Spirit descending from the sky. What a sight that must have been! Today, we see “Christ Revealed in Baptism”. Our sermon is from Mark 1.

Stuck on Jesus - February 3rd
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Stuck on Jesus - February 3rd

Jan 11th, 2024 |

Join us for some sticky fun at our next JAM session on February 3rd from 10am-12pm! At this event we will have a Bible story, crafts, themed snacks, and sticky STEM activities-magnets, slime, tape, sensory bins, and more!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Jan 10th, 2024 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Epiphany Worship January 7 & 8
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St. Paul’s Epiphany Worship January 7 & 8

Jan 6th, 2024 |

A blessed Epiphany to all of you! We celebrate God's great revelation of Jesus Christ this weekend, and what a revelation it is. The heart of God is so big that in his planning he made sure to include _both_ Jew and Gentile in it. God did not limit salvation, but clearly makes it known that Jesus is for everyone. If you are reading this, it means you are included. If you can't read this, but someone shares this message with you, you are included. Forgiveness in Jesus is for you. That's why he came. So come and worship the Lord whose heart has no limitations. Come with your sin, your shame, yourself... and find God's great miracle of your sin price paid, your place under God's wrath filled, because you have a Savior named Jesus - and that's what God always planned for you to have. Pastor Mueller

Church Newsletter
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Church Newsletter

Jan 1st, 2024 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s New Years Eve Worship, December 31, 2023
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St. Paul’s New Years Eve Worship, December 31, 2023

Dec 30th, 2023 |

As the calendar turns from 2023 to 2024, the Lord impresses on us the folly of poor planning and how he has included us in his plans! Our sermon is from James 4.

Christmas Morning Dec. 25 Worship
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Christmas Morning Dec. 25 Worship

Dec 23rd, 2023 |

Dear St. Paul's Family and Friends, The long wait and the hard work of preparation has been worth it. The Savior has been born. Come and worship him! God bless your Christmas celebration! Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Worship Service Dec. 24 9am
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St. Paul’s Worship Service Dec. 24 9am

Dec 23rd, 2023 |

Greetings everyone - This Sunday morning single service at 9:00 is our Advent 4 service... It's the final preparation for us to be ready for the Christ to come. We'll look at Paul's ending to the book of Romans and see the _last word_. God bless you this holiday weekend! Pastor Mueller

Christmas Eve Worship, December 24, 2023
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Christmas Eve Worship, December 24, 2023

Dec 22nd, 2023 |

The heart of Christmas is about God’s redeeming love—God’s rescue plan for a humanity alienated from him despite all claims of reform, goodness, or morality. Our sermon will be from Luke 2.

December Church Newsletter
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December Church Newsletter

Dec 18th, 2023 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

Christmas at St. Paul’s Worship Services, December 17, 2023
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Christmas at St. Paul’s Worship Services, December 17, 2023

Dec 16th, 2023 |

This weekend, our Lutheran Elementary School children, Sunday School and Adult Choir will speak and sing the good news of our Savior's birth with different "Illustrations of Immanuel".

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Dec 12th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

Worship at St. Paul’s, December 10 & 11, 2023
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Worship at St. Paul’s, December 10 & 11, 2023

Dec 9th, 2023 |

Today, we host the MLHS Lancer Singers, under the direction of Mr. Joel Ungemach. Pastor Norv Kock will give a message of comfort in the Lord, our shepherd, from Isaiah 40.

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Dec 6th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

Christmas at St. Paul’s
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Christmas at St. Paul’s

Dec 4th, 2023 |

Join us at either 8 or 10:30 a.m. for a multi-generational service, incorporating our children, St. Paul's adult choir, small groups of singers, and many instrumentalists--all presenting the most amazing and beautiful piece of our world's history: the birth of our Savior, Jesus!

St. Paul’s Worship December 3rd & 4th
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St. Paul’s Worship December 3rd & 4th

Dec 1st, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family and Friends, Today we enter into the season of Advent. Since Christ is going to come again, the thrust of the season is _preparation_. How do you prepare your heart (and life) for his coming? _You prioritize the means of grace over against our personal sin._ Through these, Christ comes to you, readies you, and reassures you of your holy standing in his presence - all by grace. May the Lord Jesus come quickly and save his _prepared_ people. Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Nov 29th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

Christian Funeral for Sharleen Mueller, November 28, 2023
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Christian Funeral for Sharleen Mueller, November 28, 2023

Nov 26th, 2023 |

We will seek God’s comfort and rejoice in the resurrection at the Christian funeral of Sharleen Mueller on November 28 at 12:00 noon.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, November 26 & 27, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, November 26 & 27, 2023

Nov 25th, 2023 |

Every year leaders and candidates for office make promises. At the end of the Church Year, we celebrate the leader whose promises always hold true. He is “Christ the King.” Our sermon comes from Ezekiel 34.

Thanksgiving: Nov. 22nd 2023
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Thanksgiving: Nov. 22nd 2023

Nov 23rd, 2023 |

Thanksgiving Service: Luke 7:36-50 While Jesus was visiting a Pharisees house, a sinful woman had so much to thank Jesus for, and it showed in her great love for him. He Sees You * As So Much More * As Nothing Less

JAM Falling for Jesus Recap
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JAM Falling for Jesus Recap

Nov 20th, 2023 |

We had a great turnout for our fall JAM session - Falling for Jesus! From crafts and sensory to STEM activities and snacks to a Bible story and fellowship it was a fun morning for all! Looking forward to our next event in February!

What is Mindful Moms?
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What is Mindful Moms?

Nov 20th, 2023 |

Mindful Moms is a group designed to create connection opportunities for moms from Bible Studies to playdates to Mom's Night out gatherings. Moms with kids at all stages are welcome!

St. Paul’s Worship Nov. 19 & 20
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St. Paul’s Worship Nov. 19 & 20

Nov 17th, 2023 |

Greeting St. Paul's Family, One of the sayings I'd hear as a kid is, "Are you working hard, or hardly working." I'm thankful that was only said to my brothers... Our Savior has entrusted the gospel to us and lovingly looks for the same hard work from his servants. _Are we working hard?_ When Jesus returns he will specifically look for _faithfulness._ To those who are faithful to the gospel, what a commendation you will receive! Faithfulness in what he calls _a little_ will bring SO much! To those who prove otherwise, Jesus has something very different in mind... May we treasure our Lord, love his gospel, and faithfully show that in work - and look forward to _sharing his happiness!_ Pastor Mueller

November Church Newsletter
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November Church Newsletter

Nov 17th, 2023 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Nov 15th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship, November 12 & 13, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship, November 12 & 13, 2023

Nov 10th, 2023 |

When Jesus departs for heaven with his people, he won’t wait for those who weren’t ready. Now is the time to be prepared. “Keep Watch for the Lord.” Our sermon is from 1 Thessalonians 5.

2023 Living Nativity - Our 21st Year!
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2023 Living Nativity - Our 21st Year!

Nov 10th, 2023 |

Come and enjoy the retelling of our Savior's birth!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Nov 8th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship Nov. 5 & 6
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St. Paul’s Worship Nov. 5 & 6

Nov 2nd, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family and Friends - The word comforts, and does it ever this weekend! We celebrate _Saints Triumphant!_ Look at the great cloud of witnesses who have run their race and now are in heaven! Consider the sins and struggles people of every time and generation have overcome with the strength of the gospel of Jesus Christ! Take to heart the truth of God's word and imagine them joyfully and exuberantly celebrating in heaven. And now consider by this same gospel you are a saint, an inheritor of all this, God's very own child. _And we shall be like him._ God strengthen us all as we wait in faith - Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Oct 31st, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Oct 30th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, October 29 & 30, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, October 29 & 30, 2023

Oct 28th, 2023 |

Today we celebrate the Reformation, a movement which directed people back to the Scriptures to realize that they were saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. “Stand Firm on Your Salvation.” The sermon is on Romans 3.

St. Paul’s Worship October 22 & 23
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St. Paul’s Worship October 22 & 23

Oct 18th, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family, There's an edge within each of our lessons this weekend. It seems logical to the person who asked Jesus, "Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not," that there _must be_ a tension between the people of God and earthly government. And if there is a tension, we should throw away the government and just obey God...right?? Or if we press it further, someone might even think God was wrong to institute government!! Hardly so. Jesus removes the tension by teaching us to give to both government and God what we respectfully owe each. He removes the tension. In our lesson from Daniel we will apply that lesson and see how Daniel seeks to do just that - honor his Babylonian government and his Lord. God bless you this weekend in the risen Jesus Christ! Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Oct 17th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

October Church Newsletter
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October Church Newsletter

Oct 17th, 2023 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, October 15 & 16, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, October 15 & 16, 2023

Oct 13th, 2023 |

The Lord spares no expense for his feast. The best of foods. The finest mansion hall. And no cost to his guests. You won’t want to pass up “The Lord’s Invitation for All.” Sermon from Matthew 22.

Falling for Jesus - November 4th
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Falling for Jesus - November 4th

Oct 11th, 2023 |

Join us for some fall fun at our next JAM session on November 4th from 10am-12pm! At this event we will have a Bible story, crafts, themed snacks, and Fall STEM activities-ramps, leaves, stacking, pumpkins, and more!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Oct 10th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship Oct 8 & 9
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St. Paul’s Worship Oct 8 & 9

Oct 5th, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family, The Bible has two main teachings: law and gospel. We need to hear both. The law warns us and exposes sin. The gospel frees us from it by proclaiming Christ's mercy to sinners. In a context of a vineyard, Jesus brings home both teachings. When sinners get lazy with God's grace, reject it, and show that in their lives with actions that harm and hurt, God threatens consequences. That's the law. He will take away what he's given and give it to others. Dear Christians, his grace has been given to you! That's the gospel. May we learn this lesson well! Having the gospel doesn't mean we are free to take it for granted like so many in the past have done. It can also be taken from us! May that never happen! May we treasure Jesus! May we love to hear about the forgiveness of sins! And may we without reservation live in the gospel and bear fruit by it. God bless your worship this weekend- Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Worship services, October 1 & 2, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship services, October 1 & 2, 2023

Sep 29th, 2023 |

Today Jesus corrects those who don’t focus enough on what we do. Don’t settle for the same old same old selfish living! This is a matter of life or death! “Repent and Obey.” Our sermon is from Matthew 21

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Sep 26th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship September 24 & 25
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St. Paul’s Worship September 24 & 25

Sep 22nd, 2023 |

Good morning St. Paul's Family, Grace from God is a most incredible thing! It moves the heart and overwhelms the mind. It truly is a miraculous gift and always undeserved. But we make it a tricky thing. We can turn God's grace into a _gift for me but not for thee!_ Jesus teaches us otherwise. It's God's to give, not man's to manipulate. And when the gift remains a gift from God, _grace remains grace - the way it's supposed to be!_ God bless you this weekend - Pastor Mueller

September Church Newsletter
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September Church Newsletter

Sep 22nd, 2023 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Sep 20th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Sep 20th, 2023 |

Check out our St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship Services, September 17 & 18, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, September 17 & 18, 2023

Sep 15th, 2023 |

When someone has wronged us, it can feel impossible to let go of it. Jesus directs his disciples to the one who has cancelled our debts so that we may also “Forgive from the Heart”.

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Sep 12th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Sep 12th, 2023 |

Check out our St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship Sept 10 & 11
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St. Paul’s Worship Sept 10 & 11

Sep 9th, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's family on this beautiful weekend! One of my neighbors has a flashy brand new vehicle. When I see him drive off I wonder what it would be like to have the keys to such a vehicle (especially on a weekend like this!). There'd be power under the hood transferred to the tires with the slightest touch, wind in your hair, and beautiful scenery all around. The lessons for this Sunday reveal the keys God has given to you. For a brother or sister who is spiritually straying, the keys have power under the hood - power to convict and power to save. What an incredible miracle to use them and see God work repentance and renewed faith through them. What a most beautiful scene that is, when God's people are back with the Lord! Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Sep 5th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Sep 5th, 2023 |

Check out our St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship September 3 & 4
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St. Paul’s Worship September 3 & 4

Sep 1st, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family, Jesus never promised being his disciple would be easy. He said the opposite. The student is not above his teacher. And if the world persecuted Jesus, what Christian today can rightly expect to have an easy life on this earth? Will you take up your cross and follow? Will you devour God's word and hold to it? Will you be a wall like Jeremiah and not let people sway you into wickedness? This world is groaning as in the pains of childbirth. It won't last. But those who stand with Jesus will, forever. Trust him and follow him, no matter the cost. God bless your holiday weekend! Pastor Mueller

OPEN HOUSE! September 17
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OPEN HOUSE! September 17

Sep 1st, 2023 |

Come to our Open House! On September 17 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm St. Paul's is hosting an open house for our friends, neighbors, and community. Come and see the new addition we spent years planning and the past year building. There will be tours of the facilities, Garden Gym, and classrooms. Light snacks and refreshment, a ribbon cutting ceremony (near 3:00 pm), and so much to see! Please contact St. Paul's office for more information: 920.565.3780.

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Aug 29th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Aug 29th, 2023 |

Check out our St. Paul's School Scoop!

JAM Fall Event
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JAM Fall Event

Aug 29th, 2023 |

Come JAM with us! This November we will be "Falling for Jesus" and looking at God's Word in 1 Peter 1:23-25, "The grass withers and the flowers fall but the Word of the Lord endures forever". At this event we will have a Bible story, crafts, themed snacks, and Fall STEM activities-ramps, leaves, balloons, pumpkins, and more!

Mindful Moms Fall Schedule 2023
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Mindful Moms Fall Schedule 2023

Aug 28th, 2023 |

Mindful Moms is a group designed to create connection opportunities for moms at St. Paul’s and the surrounding community. Come join us Wednesday mornings for Bible Study and/or a Music and Movement playdate.

St. Paul’s Worship Services, August 27 & 28, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship Services, August 27 & 28, 2023

Aug 25th, 2023 |

Just as the heavenly Father led Peter to confess Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of the living God, may he lead us to do the same. “The Lord’s Name Saves.” Our sermon is from Romans 10.

August Church Newsletter
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August Church Newsletter

Aug 22nd, 2023 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship Aug 20 & 21
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St. Paul’s Worship Aug 20 & 21

Aug 17th, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family, If you are seeking justice for something, could you expect to find it? If you are looking for a church where 100% of the people practice what the Bible says, where would that be? If you are searching for a house where there is no such thing as an insider or an outsider, just members, where would you look? The world twists these concepts and turns people cynical. God promises them to you. You will find these answers in him - always. Come and worship him! Pastor Mueller

Welcome to the Garden Gym
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Welcome to the Garden Gym

Aug 17th, 2023 |

Welcome to the Garden Gym! The Garden Gym is a place for growth - and we want our early childhood children to have a place to go when the weather turns cold as well as to grow through play based learning. Colors, sounds, feel, and sight were all a part of the planning. There are a variety of structures and things to do for our 3K, 4K, K, classes. A track around the outside provides space for trikes and bikes and walkers. There is also an open space for group play, basketball, soccer, and so much more! Please check our Facebook page or our calendar for open times for play.

St. Paul’s Summer Scoop
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St. Paul’s Summer Scoop

Aug 16th, 2023 |

Check out our St. Paul's Summer Scoop!

Sunday School Registration 2023
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Sunday School Registration 2023

Aug 11th, 2023 |

Our theme for Sunday School is "The LORD is our Strength." Jesus was so strong that he carried out God's law in our place, hauled our sins to the cross, and rose from death to save us.

St. Paul’s Worship August 13 & 14
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St. Paul’s Worship August 13 & 14

Aug 11th, 2023 |

As we celebrate the Lord’s grace for us and dedicate our new early childhood wing this weekend, God impresses on us the importance of growth in our Savior and his Word. Our sermon is based on Ephesians 4.

St. Paul’s Worship August 6 & 7
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St. Paul’s Worship August 6 & 7

Aug 3rd, 2023 |

Being filled to the brim with delicious food is a regular part of our Wisconsin summers -- all because of our gracious God. The Lord Feeds Generously. Our sermon today is from 1 Kings 17.

St. Paul’s Worship July 30 & 31
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St. Paul’s Worship July 30 & 31

Jul 28th, 2023 |

Many people save up as much money as possible for electronics or a car, a house or vacation. Today, the Lord teaches us to Treasure God’s Kingdom! Our sermon is from Matthew 13.

St. Paul’s Summer Scoop
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St. Paul’s Summer Scoop

Jul 21st, 2023 |

Check out our St. Paul's Summer Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship July 23 & 24
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St. Paul’s Worship July 23 & 24

Jul 20th, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family - The three lessons this weekend tie so well together. They are a feast for the soul - and a timely one. Starting with Matthew, Jesus reveals God's plan regarding the wickedness in the world. He's going to wait to fully deal with it until the harvest (last day)! That means governments can't fix it and Christians need to be on the watch. That leads us to Isaiah. Living in and around sin day after day doesn't mean God isn't God. It means we need to trust him all the more in tough times. Our last lesson from Romans 1 brings to light the wickedness of the weeds. They try to cut God completely out of life. The day will come where God will cut them down. _Patience Christian!_ God bless you this weekend as you plan to praise the Creator not merely for all that you see with your eyes. Praise him for all he has done for your soul by bringing us to Christ and the joy of our forgiveness. Pastor Mueller

July Church Newsletter
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July Church Newsletter

Jul 20th, 2023 |

Check out the July Church Newsletter!

Worship at St. Paul’s, July 16 & 17, 2023
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Worship at St. Paul’s, July 16 & 17, 2023

Jul 13th, 2023 |

Though he uses our labor, the Lord’s powerful Word brings about life and causes us to flourish. So, we continue to Sow the Scriptures! Our sermon is from Isaiah 55.

2023 Car Show Cancelled!
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2023 Car Show Cancelled!

Jul 10th, 2023 |

Dear Car Show Lovers, We have hosted this wonderful event for 8 years! This year we need to pass for several reasons. We are finishing a major construction project at nearly the same time and are planning for the dedication. There will be a great deal of organizing and cleaning needed the first few weeks of August to prep everything. And we are also planning for an open house on September 16 to invite you to see the ministry we have expanded into. God willing this event returns the following year. God's blessings to you - Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Worship July 9 & 10
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St. Paul’s Worship July 9 & 10

Jul 7th, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family - Last weekend Israel learned a hard lesson after pursing a golden calf. Imagine their shame and guilt in facing Moses. What would God do with them? How their wandering hearts yearned for peace with God and rest from their sin! Ours do too. This world doesn't offer that gift. God does. Jesus announces Matthew 11, "Come to me all you who are wearied and burdened (from sin) and I will give you rest." The Lord is your answer. He's always been; and he always will be. God bless your restful worship and weekend! Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Worship July 2 & 3
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St. Paul’s Worship July 2 & 3

Jun 29th, 2023 |

Good morning St. Paul's family - This week the lessons would have us evaluate our hearts and where we stand with the Lord. It's easy to think at a moments notice, I'd rush to his side, I'd defend his honor, and I'd do what was right. It's easy to check whether that's true or not. Have a look at the ten commandments. Read a further explanation of them in Luther's catechism. Is your heart grounded in these? Is your life practicing them? Do you love other things more than these, more than God? God knows you have. That's why he presents to you the one who defended his honor and gives you yours. He forgives sinners their sins and leads sinners by grace to cut it from their lives. His name is Jesus. Come and grow in the heart he has for you. You know exactly where he stands. You know exactly where to find him. Come and worship! God's blessings, Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Worship June 25 & 26, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship June 25 & 26, 2023

Jun 25th, 2023 |

Jesus impresses on us today the importance of speaking his Word even and especially when it seems dangerous. Don’t be Afraid in Persecution. Our sermon today is from Matthew 10.

St. Paul’s Worship June 18 & 19
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St. Paul’s Worship June 18 & 19

Jun 16th, 2023 |

Happy Father's Day! I mean that both for our earthly fathers and our heavenly one. Today we get to see what a loving Father in heaven we have who shapes us, steers us, and does everything for us for our good. Hard to believe? Just look back at your steps and see how God has been doing it already. There's more to come as he prepares you for heaven. God bless your worship this weekend, Pastor Mueller

June Church Newsletter
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June Church Newsletter

Jun 15th, 2023 |

Check out our June Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship, June 11 & 12, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship, June 11 & 12, 2023

Jun 11th, 2023 |

We typically look for the best. Yet when the Lord called people, he made some unlikely choices. The Lord Calls Sinners into His Service. Our sermon today is based on Matthew 9.

Early Childhood Summer Event!
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Early Childhood Summer Event!

Jun 11th, 2023 |

FREE Jesus And Me event on June 24th from 10:00 am - Noon!

St. Paul’s Worship June 4 & 5, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship June 4 & 5, 2023

Jun 1st, 2023 |

The Holy Spirit leads us to have faith in the only true God, the Creator, the Redeemer, the Sanctifier. We Believe in the Triune God. Our sermon is based on 2 Corinthians 13.

St. Paul’s Worship May 28 & 29
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St. Paul’s Worship May 28 & 29

May 25th, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family, This weekend in worship we celebrate Pentecost. 50 days after Jesus' resurrection he again fulfilled his promise to send the Holy Spirit. And look at the flood of good that has done! People _trust_ the Lord! Christians are blessed to have a diversity of gifts that honor Christ and lastly seek to use these things for good. And the Holy Spirit did it to give glory to Jesus. May we too! God bless your worship this weekend, Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Worship May 21 & 22
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St. Paul’s Worship May 21 & 22

May 19th, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family! This Sunday the season of Easter comes to a close, without closing the door on Easter. After all, the door to live with Christ is open because of Jesus' work. So Peter tells us to stay on that path by staying humble. What does humility have to do with our eternal future? That's what we discover this weekend. We also have graduation in the 10:30am service this Sunday. God's blessings to all of you - Pastor Mueller

Ascension Worship Service, May 18, 2023
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Ascension Worship Service, May 18, 2023

May 18th, 2023 |

When Jesus ascended into heaven, his disciples were able to rejoice! Today we observe how Jesus Ascended in Blessing. Our sermon will be on Psalm 47.

May Church Newsletter
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May Church Newsletter

May 15th, 2023 |

Check out our May Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship, May 14 & 15, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship, May 14 & 15, 2023

May 12th, 2023 |

Jesus impresses on us how he can tell who loves him. This is necessary and true. Love for Jesus Means Living for Jesus. Our sermon is from John 14.

St. Paul’s Worship May 7 & 8
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St. Paul’s Worship May 7 & 8

May 6th, 2023 |

Greetings everyone - This Sunday is simple. It's Jesus. He's the way, the truth, and the life. There is no other name under heaven given to people. You of course are free to pursue another salvation. But you won't meet the Father and enjoy his home.

Confirmation Service, April 30, 2023
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Confirmation Service, April 30, 2023

May 1st, 2023 |

Today we have six young people being confirmed at St. Paul's. Our sermon today is from Acts 2.

Worship at St. Paul’s, April 30 & May 1, 2023
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Worship at St. Paul’s, April 30 & May 1, 2023

May 1st, 2023 |

As Jesus speaks to us today, he reminds us that his sheep know his voice and follow his voice. On this Confirmation weekend, our sermon is from Acts 2.

St. Paul’s Worship Services April 23 & 24, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship Services April 23 & 24, 2023

Apr 23rd, 2023 |

Our hearts burn within us today as our risen Savior unfolds his Word. Our dismay is turned upside down. Easter brings us hope! The sermon is from 1 Peter 1.

April Church Newsletter
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April Church Newsletter

Apr 20th, 2023 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship Service, April 16-17, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship Service, April 16-17, 2023

Apr 14th, 2023 |

Just like the disciples, we become paralyzed by fear and doubt when Christianity is unpopular or when danger or death seem imminent. Yet Easter brings us peace! Our sermon today is from Acts 2.

Good Friday Worship, April 7, 2023

Good Friday Worship, April 7, 2023

Apr 5th, 2023 |

Good Friday is God’s day – the day God would bring a Lamb to sacrifice. There is nothing better for us. Our sermon is based on John 19.

Easter 2023 at St. Paul’s
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Easter 2023 at St. Paul’s

Apr 5th, 2023 |

Christ is risen...He is risen indeed! Alleluia! On this day in history Jesus did what no man could do, he defeated death when he rose to life. People love to pay to see someone skilled play music, or wow us on the athletic field, or an actor/actress display talent in a movie. There is no one else who can do what Jesus did. There is no one else who has the power Jesus displayed. There is no other Savior who can forgive, love, and save you. Come and hear that for yourself, and worship Jesus. God bless your worship of our glorious Triune God this Easter. Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Apr 5th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Maundy Thursday Service
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St. Paul’s Maundy Thursday Service

Apr 5th, 2023 |

Greetings to you on as we celebrate Holy Week 2023, Our Maundy Thursday service time is 6:30 pm. What is Maundy Thursday? Maundy is a term that either means _handbasket_ for the ones the women used to carry, or it comes from a Latin word meaning _command_. On this night Jesus gave his disciples the new command in his name to love one another as he loved them and served them. Our focus for this service is on the great way Jesus still serves us as he nourishes our faith and soul with the feast of the Lord's Supper. Come and worship! Blessings to you all - Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Worship April 2 & 3, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship April 2 & 3, 2023

Mar 31st, 2023 |

If the President himself were to come to our county, that would be a historic event. The King that God had promised finally arrived among his people, and we celebrate it today!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Mar 28th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship March 26 & 27
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St. Paul’s Worship March 26 & 27

Mar 23rd, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family - This weekend the Scriptures lead us into the might of Jesus to raise the dead. In the middle of Lent, we need to see the extent of his reach. It helps us to anticipate the mightiest of the miracles - Christ's own resurrection! God bless you as you _Rise Above It!_. Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Mar 20th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship March 19 & 20
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St. Paul’s Worship March 19 & 20

Mar 17th, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's family, The difference between the spiritually blind and the seeing is the miracle of faith. And what a miracle that is! Without faith it is impossible to please God! Without faith all we see and experience are worthless idols! Without faith we remain in darkness. So when God works the miracle of faith and opens our eyes to him, to his mercy, and to spiritual life, what a mighty miracle! This weekend we feed our faith with the word of God and praise the Lord for his mercy and might. Our guest preacher this weekend is Rev. Wayne Mueller. God's blessings, Pastor

2023.3 March Church Newsletter
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2023.3 March Church Newsletter

Mar 16th, 2023 |

Check out the Church Newsletter for March!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Mar 14th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

2023.3.14 St. Paul’s School Scoop
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2023.3.14 St. Paul’s School Scoop

Mar 14th, 2023 |

Bible Information Class
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Bible Information Class

Mar 11th, 2023 |

When it comes to religion, people have questions. For one, why the Bible? Who is Jesus? Is God loving or powerful, because it seems he can't be both? Why are there so many religions? And we're just getting started! These are fantastic questions and this class is the outlet for them. You will laugh! You might cry as you consider the depth of God's love for you. But you most certainly will grow through this course. It is one of the best ways to see what a church teaches and more importantly, to see what God says as we study the Bible together.

Building Project Update
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Building Project Update

Mar 11th, 2023 |

May 19 update: The canopy has begun and looks impressive!! The masons also came this week and began the block wall on the south side.

Staffing Updates
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Staffing Updates

Mar 11th, 2023 |

Greetings Everyone, We had great new this week. Emily Panzer has accepted our call (position) for teaching 4k next year! We are thrilled to have her! God's blessings! Pastor

St. Paul’s Worship March 12-13, 2023
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St. Paul’s Worship March 12-13, 2023

Mar 10th, 2023 |

People brought to Jesus all who were sick, possessed by demons, and paralyzed. He gave strength, freedom, and health. In Jesus, there is still “Help for the Hurting.” Our sermon comes from Luke 10.

St. Paul’s School Scoop

St. Paul’s School Scoop

Mar 7th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship March 5 & 6

St. Paul’s Worship March 5 & 6

Mar 3rd, 2023 |

Greetings St. Paul's family - Has the world ever produced a safe that can't be broken into by a thief? God has a _safe_ place called heaven. No one has ever entered who shouldn't be there. So how did they get there? The case we consider this weekend is the case of Abraham. We know he went to heaven...even Jesus says so. So how did it work for him? Then we'll refresh and apply the same truths for us. God bless you as you trust the one Savior we have, Jesus Christ! Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Feb 21st, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
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St. Paul’s School Scoop

Feb 14th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s School Scoop
school-all | school-newsletter

St. Paul’s School Scoop

Feb 7th, 2023 |

Check out our weekly St. Paul's School Scoop!

St. Paul’s Worship October 30 & 31

St. Paul’s Worship October 30 & 31

Oct 28th, 2022 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family and Friends! It doesn't take much to lose the gospel of Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of sins, or eternal life. Look at the history of the Christian church! God sets up his church and man thinks he can improve on it! He sets things in the way and soon the way is muddled. That happened both in Jesus' day as well in Martin Luther's. Thank God Jesus turned the tables and single handedly cleared the path. Thank God Jesus sends faithful workers who turn tables. They keep God's house central as a place of grace and a house of prayer. Come and worship God for all he has done...and hold on to the gospel! God bless you this weekend - Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Worship October 23 & 24

St. Paul’s Worship October 23 & 24

Oct 19th, 2022 |

Greetings to all of you dear St. Paul's family! This world has so much to offer in a wonderful way - after all, God created it! Is there something in it though that we might prefer to hold closer to our hearts? Are there things here that seep into our soul that our grip doesn't want to let go? Everything has a value, some more, some less. What about the value we place on something this world can't offer? What is the value we place on eternal life? How important is it for you to be there with the God who can give it to you? Would you really let something from this world keep you from all that Jesus has to offer? These things are what we consider today especially in our sermon from Luke 18:18-30. God bless all of you this week! Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Weekend Worship, October 16 & 17

St. Paul’s Weekend Worship, October 16 & 17

Oct 14th, 2022 |

Amid disaster and difficulty, you have a God who listens and blesses his people who hold tightly to him and to his promises. So we Pray Persistently. Our sermon is based on Luke 18.

Sunday Worship October 9 &10

Sunday Worship October 9 &10

Oct 3rd, 2022 |

The Christian life is one of thanks. Noah shows that when he walks off the ark and offers a tremendous sacrifice to the Lord - showing total devotion to the Lord. The Corinthians were given a tremendous example of the Macedonian congregations who offered themselves first to the Lord and then to God's people when they gave so generously their thank offerings. Lastly we see the Samaritan who returned to give thanks to the Lord for healing from his leprosy. While these were one time events, thankfulness lived in their hearts to God from that day forward - and showed in their lives. May the God of grace shape your heart to be one of thanks - even constant thanks for who he is and his mighty arm to save! Pastor Mueller

Living Nativity 2022!

Living Nativity 2022!

Oct 1st, 2022 |

Come to St. Paul's Living Nativity and enjoy the retelling of the birth of Jesus Christ. Enjoy a 20 minute outdoor presentation.

October Church Newsletter

October Church Newsletter

Oct 1st, 2022 |

Check out our monthly church newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship, October 2-3, 2022

St. Paul’s Worship, October 2-3, 2022

Sep 30th, 2022 |

"What is in it for me?" asks our world before it lifts a finger for anyone else. Jesus teaches us today that serving him is our duty as we seek to give him the glory. Our sermon is based on Luke 17.

St. Paul’s Worship September 25 & 26

St. Paul’s Worship September 25 & 26

Sep 25th, 2022 |

Greetings St. Paul's family, What if the Rich man received his request? What if Lazarus was sent back by God from heaven to earth to witness to people. What would he say? Today he speaks the words of Amos 6:1-7 to us. They are a firm warning not to let money rob us of eternal life. But Lazarus didn't come back to earth. So how are people to know? We know the same message through the word of God. God speaks to us so that we see the riches of salvation we have in Jesus Christ. He speaks so that we see what is coming to those who trust him: heaven! God bless us to measure the things of this life appropriately. Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Worship September 18, 2022

St. Paul’s Worship September 18, 2022

Sep 16th, 2022 |

For 160 years at St. Paul’s, the Lord has called and guided, rebuked and comforted through his life-giving Word. And in each generation, he has given us faithful leaders who point to him. Today, we consider his instruction to “Remember Your Leaders.”

St. Paul’s Worship September 11 & 12

St. Paul’s Worship September 11 & 12

Sep 10th, 2022 |

Good afternoon St. Paul's family and friends, God's word works. It exposes sin and sinners. Where sinners side with sin the church of God is called to respond to warn the sinner and even excommunicate. Such a witness is done in love as the final and lasting witness. And it works! Some take it to heart and turn back. When sinners who _had_ben stuck in sin turn away from it and repent, then what is the church to do? Our readings today delve into that response...we fully forgive them and fully restore them - as Christ has done for us. God bless your worship this weekend! Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Worship September 4-5, 2022

St. Paul’s Worship September 4-5, 2022

Sep 1st, 2022 |

Jesus insists that there is no such thing as a mere curious or casual disciple. Following Jesus means expending “Everything for the Lord.” Our sermon today is based on Philemon.

September Church Newsletter

September Church Newsletter

Sep 1st, 2022 |

Check out our monthly church newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship August 28 & 29

St. Paul’s Worship August 28 & 29

Aug 25th, 2022 |

Good afternoon St. Paul's family, How do you see yourself? Would you really take one of the better seats at a meeting? Are you happy with your placement at a wedding reception? Would you take the least? How would you respond if a seat was reserved for you and someone shifted your name away to a lower seat? The inner pull to think higher of ourselves doesn't come from God. What comes from God is humility. And that's how God's people in his house strive to live. Anything less is less than the Christian religion! May the Lord lead us to be his humble people who are raised up by the the gospel! Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Worship August 21 & 22

St. Paul’s Worship August 21 & 22

Aug 19th, 2022 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family, An open door to something means tremendous possibilities, or a bright future. When Paul received an open door to missionary work, it also meant blessing from God. So what else can an open door in Jesus Christ mean? What a bright future ahead! What blessings from God are coming in Jesus Christ. But here's the difficulty. That open door is narrow. Consider carefully how you are getting through! God bless you and your spiritual walk with Christ this weekend, Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Worship August 14 & 15

St. Paul’s Worship August 14 & 15

Aug 12th, 2022 |

Greetings St. Paul's friends and family, Today Jesus promises there will be division between people on earth. Even more, he promises he will be the cause of it. His teachings will reveal where people stand in their beliefs, and whether they are with him or not. The practice of Christianity is not easy. It involves endurance, patience, and loss. Even more it involves our heavenly Father who disciplines us along the way. This is what our second lesson calls, "The race marked out for us!" Many stop running the race. They walk away, give up, or are enticed by worldly empty promises. But the faithful Christian is encouraged by a great cloud of witnesses and keeps their eyes on Jesus Christ. The finish line we will cross in faith will usher in an eternal crown. May we all cling to the Savior Jesus and run the race! God's blessings, Pastor Mueller

Sunday School Registration Open

Sunday School Registration Open

Aug 10th, 2022 |

This year our Sunday School theme is "Built on the Rock". Find more information and register here.

August Church Newsletter

August Church Newsletter

Aug 6th, 2022 |

Check out our Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship Services August 7-8, 2022

St. Paul’s Worship Services August 7-8, 2022

Aug 5th, 2022 |

Our heavenly Father knows what we need and will provide for us. We can always be generous. Jesus encourages us: Set your hearts on heavenly treasure. Our sermon is based on Luke 12.

Groundbreaking! August 28!

Groundbreaking! August 28!

Aug 1st, 2022 |

On August 28 at 9:15am we will hold a groundbreaking ceremony. The event includes our architect, builder, and banker. We will begin with prayer, devotion, and song to ask the blessing of our God. Afterwards will be brief speeches by several people. Following this anyone interested. Come and celebrate God's incredible work! Will post pictures after! Pastor Mueller

July 2022 Building Project Update

July 2022 Building Project Update

Jul 29th, 2022 |

Good morning St. Paul's friends and family Check out the new sign going up soon on the northwest corner of our property!

St. Paul’s Worship July 31 & Aug 1

St. Paul’s Worship July 31 & Aug 1

Jul 26th, 2022 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family and Friends, Doing a workout today a spider walked right across the floor where I was working out! It's amazing that as Christians who hear the word of God and strive to exercise it in life, sin has its way of working through us. Our first lesson from Ecclesiastes spares no expense in teaching us what we will pay if the stuff of life sneaks in and competes with God! Would you recognize it if it did? Colossians lifts our eyes to the strength of Jesus Christ in the resurrection. He raised you too! Why would we let anything else be placed on his level? Finally in the gospel Jesus knows some pursue wealth as if that's the goal in life. How foolish they are! Don't let your eyes blind you to their eternal outcome!

Christian Funeral for Pastor Charlie Heup

Christian Funeral for Pastor Charlie Heup

Jul 26th, 2022 |

We will seek God’s comfort and rejoice in the resurrection at the Christian funeral of Pastor Charlie Heup on Sunday, July 31, at 4:00 pm.

St. Paul’s Worship July 24-25, 2022

St. Paul’s Worship July 24-25, 2022

Jul 22nd, 2022 |

We always have more growing to do with prayer. Our Lord has so much to impart as we join his disciples to ask, “Lord, Teach Us to Pray. ” Our sermon is based on Genesis 18.

July Church Newsletter

July Church Newsletter

Jul 22nd, 2022 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship July 17 & 18

St. Paul’s Worship July 17 & 18

Jul 13th, 2022 |

Greetings St. Pau's Family and Friends - What happens when God comes to us? What happens when I stand before God? What exactly does his word do for me and within me? How about this question...what does my reason want to do with what God says to me? In the lessons before us this weekend, the word is set before us. Are we ready to listen? Are we going to listen? Search the Scriptures and you will find that God's word has never and will never fail. What God desires by giving us his word is to give us and foster in us a faith that clings to it.

St. Paul’s Worship July 10 & 11

St. Paul’s Worship July 10 & 11

Jul 9th, 2022 |

Does love really mean anything goes as many think? Does it mean what’s good for me is what I define it to be? Is love really something subjective, meaning it changes depending on the person? Today Jesus teaches Christian love is a standard God sets and he seeks us to meet in our actions. It asks, “What does my neighbor need,” and is then willing to sacrifice time, money, even our own wants in order to help another human being.

July Church Newsletter

July Church Newsletter

Jul 6th, 2022 |

Check out our Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship July 3 & 4

St. Paul’s Worship July 3 & 4

Jun 30th, 2022 |

Dear St. Paul's Family and Friends - There aren't any photos in today's lessons of the ideal pastor. There aren't any specifics on what kind of man stands before us with regard to size, height, weight, or physical strength the way there are requirements to ride a roller coaster. But our readings present to us the ideal shepherd who is qualified to represent Jesus. Listen carefully! Where these qualifications line up with Christ's standards, what a blessing that will be for the people of God! How happy they will be in the Lord! How strong they will be in his word.

St. Paul’s Weekend Worship Service, June 26-27, 2022

St. Paul’s Weekend Worship Service, June 26-27, 2022

Jun 24th, 2022 |

Jesus corrects the ideas of several people about what it means to follow him. He calls on us to make him our priority and our passion... to Follow Jesus First. Our sermon is from Luke 9.

Christian Funeral for Arline Hoppe

Christian Funeral for Arline Hoppe

Jun 21st, 2022 |

We will seek God’s comfort and rejoice in the resurrection at the Christian funeral of Arline Hoppe on July 1 at 11:00 am.

St. Paul’s Summer Party

St. Paul’s Summer Party

Jun 21st, 2022 |

We're excited to host a night of summer fun for the whole family! Join us Friday, July 22 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. More information, including which food trucks will be there, is to come! Invite your friends and neighbors!

St. Paul’s Car Show 2022

St. Paul’s Car Show 2022

Jun 21st, 2022 |

The Show will run from 9-2. Besides all the awesome cars to take a look at, there will be a mingling magician from 10:00-12:00 (www.idealmagic52.com). Musician Andy Braun (www.andybraun.com) will perform songs from CCR, the Beatles, and other folk-rock favorites from 12:00-2:00. There will also be a bounce house for the kids. We are looking at having various classes for cars and trucks and one for motorcycles.

St. Paul’s Worship Services June 19 & 20

St. Paul’s Worship Services June 19 & 20

Jun 17th, 2022 |

Early Childhood Summer Event!

Early Childhood Summer Event!

Jun 17th, 2022 |

All are Welcome! Click on the promo document to find more information and to register! Walk - ins Welcome!

June Church Newsletter

June Church Newsletter

Jun 16th, 2022 |

Check out our monthly church newsletter!

June Church Newsletter

June Church Newsletter

Jun 14th, 2022 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Weekend Worship, June 12-13, 2022

St. Paul’s Weekend Worship, June 12-13, 2022

Jun 10th, 2022 |

The Spirit-inspired Scriptures teach that there is only one true God who is three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Today we celebrate Blessings from the Triune God. Our sermon is based on Romans 5.

St. Paul’s Weekend Worship, June 5-6, 2022

St. Paul’s Weekend Worship, June 5-6, 2022

Jun 3rd, 2022 |

This weekend we celebrate the festival of Pentecost and all the Holy Spirit does for us. The Holy Spirit still comes and does his work among us. Our sermon is based on John 14.

Christian Funeral for Laone Loose

Christian Funeral for Laone Loose

Jun 2nd, 2022 |

We will seek God’s comfort and rejoice in the resurrection at the Christian funeral of Laone Loose on June 2 at 6:00 pm.

Early Childhood Event!

Early Childhood Event!

May 31st, 2022 |

All are Welcome on June 18th 10:00am to Noon! Click into the post document for more information and to register! See you there!

St. Paul’s Worship, May 29 & 30

St. Paul’s Worship, May 29 & 30

May 25th, 2022 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family and Friends, Last Sunday we were encouraged to have an eternal perspective, recognizing our time on earth according to Jesus is only 'a little while.' Life on earth really does go fast. This weekend we apply that eternal perspective with _what to do with our lives on earth._ Jesus prays for the furtherance of the gospel. John is the messenger who brings the gospel to people. In our Acts lesson, Paul struggles with where God is leading him to preach until the Spirit makes it clear and calls him to Macedonia.

May Church Newsletter

May Church Newsletter

May 25th, 2022 |

Check out our monthly church newsletter!

Christian Funeral for Germaine Doro

Christian Funeral for Germaine Doro

May 23rd, 2022 |

We will seek God’s comfort and rejoice in the resurrection at the Christian funeral of Germaine Doro on May 25 at 1:00 pm.

St. Paul’s Worship May 22 & 23

St. Paul’s Worship May 22 & 23

May 21st, 2022 |

Greetings St. Paul's family, This weekend Jesus lifts our perspective from this world to the next. He wants us to see the incredible home of heaven God has prepared. With such a home and Savior there, Jesus fills our hearts that our time until then is just _a little while. _ Let us keep the perspective that our time on earth is short and to keep the Christian faith. May the Lord bless your worship this weekend! God's blessings, pastor

St. Paul’s Worship Services, May 15-16, 2022

St. Paul’s Worship Services, May 15-16, 2022

May 13th, 2022 |

Celebrating Easter includes living the new life Jesus has given to us. Everyone around us will know we are his disciples by our new life of love. Our sermon is based on Acts 11.

St. Paul’s Worship Services May 8 & 9

St. Paul’s Worship Services May 8 & 9

May 2nd, 2022 |

Good morning St. Paul's Family and Friends - This weekend we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday. It's a humbling day to take to heart the incredible leadership Jesus carries out on behalf of his sheep. And to think at the same time there are those that wander for something else or what they perceive to be something better! This weekend we consider his caring work and his power to protect those who are his.

Sunday Worship Service, May 1, 2022

Sunday Worship Service, May 1, 2022

Apr 29th, 2022 |

The risen Lord appears to his disciples to reassure them of his care. Our sermon from Joshua 1 offers the strength and courage we need and only the LORD can provide.

St. Paul’s Youth Confirmation Service, May 1, 2022

St. Paul’s Youth Confirmation Service, May 1, 2022

Apr 29th, 2022 |

Today 11 young people will make promises of faithfulness to our Lord. With all the pressures and temptations we face, we need strength and courage from the Lord. The sermon is on Joshua 1.

April Church Newsletter

April Church Newsletter

Apr 22nd, 2022 |

Check out our monthly Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship April 24 & 25

St. Paul’s Worship April 24 & 25

Apr 22nd, 2022 |

Happy Easter Week everyone! The blessings of the Lord Jesus' resurrection continue to unfold to his people. His power over death and love for people brings peace and confidence. May the Lord bring set the peace of Easter on your soul and renew your joy as you trust him! God's blessings, Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s Easter Worship Service, April 17, 2022

St. Paul’s Easter Worship Service, April 17, 2022

Apr 14th, 2022 |

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Our sins are removed. His promises are sure. We too shall rise. Our sermon this weekend is from Exodus 15. The LORD is our salvation.

St. Paul’s Good Friday Service April 15

St. Paul’s Good Friday Service April 15

Apr 14th, 2022 |

Greetings to all of you this Holy Week, "Taste and see that the Lord is good!" Throughout the year we taste Jesus' teachings and take them to heart. On Good Friday we see just how good they are. Our good Lord backs up his teaching by paying the ultimate price with his life.

St. Paul’s Maundy Thursday Worship Service, April 14, 2022

St. Paul’s Maundy Thursday Worship Service, April 14, 2022

Apr 14th, 2022 |

The Passover had been celebrated for well over a thousand years. But this would be new: a new meal and a new covenant of forgiveness in Christ. Our sermon is based on Luke 22.

St. Paul’s Worship Services April 10 & 11

St. Paul’s Worship Services April 10 & 11

Apr 9th, 2022 |

Greetings St. Paul's family - This weekend is the celebration of Palm Sunday. What is Palm Sunday? It 's the approach of Jesus as king indicating his willingness and determination to conquer the enemy of sin, Satan, and death. It's also the grand reception offered him by the people as they declared Hosannah - a term that means, "save now"...

St. Paul’s Lent Wednesday Worship Service, April 6, 2022

St. Paul’s Lent Wednesday Worship Service, April 6, 2022

Apr 5th, 2022 |

Throughout Lent, our theme is “The Crucial Hours”. Tonight, we marvel at how Jesus was bound for us. Our sermon is based on John 18:12.

St. Paul’s Worship Service, April 3, 2022

St. Paul’s Worship Service, April 3, 2022

Apr 1st, 2022 |

Our sermon is based on Psalm 73.

St. Paul’s Lent Wednesday Worship Service, March 30, 2022

St. Paul’s Lent Wednesday Worship Service, March 30, 2022

Mar 30th, 2022 |

Tonight, we see the example of Judas and consider what to do when we are seized with remorse. Our sermon comes from Matthew 27.

St. Paul’s Sunday Worship March 27 & 28

St. Paul’s Sunday Worship March 27 & 28

Mar 23rd, 2022 |

Dear worshippers of the Triune God - The parable Jesus tells us today is incredible. Even if you grew up with a very poor home life, there isn't one sinner who doesn't long inwardly to be in this incredible and blessed home...

St. Paul’s Lent Wednesday Worship Service, March 23, 2022

St. Paul’s Lent Wednesday Worship Service, March 23, 2022

Mar 23rd, 2022 |

Tonight, we see Pilate and the Jews bargaining over what would happen to Jesus, each trying to get their way at least in part. Yet the Lord's will would be carried out completely.

March Church Newsletter

March Church Newsletter

Mar 17th, 2022 |

Check out this month's Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Lent Wednesday Worship Service, March 16, 2022

St. Paul’s Lent Wednesday Worship Service, March 16, 2022

Mar 16th, 2022 |

Tonight, we see Jesus resolve to celebrate the Passover with his disciples, where he will show himself as its fulfillment and institute a new meal for them.

St. Paul’s Sunday Worship March 20 & 21

St. Paul’s Sunday Worship March 20 & 21

Mar 15th, 2022 |

Greetings to all of you as I write this on Tuesday morning, It's easy to fall into the trap of becoming your own prophet. What does that mean?

St. Paul’s Worship Services March 13-14, 2022

St. Paul’s Worship Services March 13-14, 2022

Mar 11th, 2022 |

This weekend Jesus shows his determination to go to Jerusalem and die for us as well as his compassion for unwilling people. Our sermon is based on Luke 13:31-35.

Lent Midweek Worship, March 9, 2022

Lent Midweek Worship, March 9, 2022

Mar 9th, 2022 |

Tonight, we see the sham trial carried out by the Jewish leadership as the Lord brought about our very true pardon in Christ.

Ash Wednesday Worship Service, March 2, 2022

Ash Wednesday Worship Service, March 2, 2022

Mar 1st, 2022 |

On Ash Wednesday, we ponder the death which our sin has earned and the death which our Savior endured for us. Lord, have mercy on us! Our sermon is based on 2 Corinthians 5-6.

Early Childhood Shape the World Event!

Early Childhood Shape the World Event!

Mar 1st, 2022 |

Shape the World! FREE Early Childhood Event at St Paul's! Join us March 12th! Click the document attachment for more information and to register!

St. Paul’s Worship March 6&7

St. Paul’s Worship March 6&7

Feb 28th, 2022 |

Greetings everyone! The first Sunday in Lent is always a test. Jesus is intensely tested in the gospel lesson by the worst fallen angel - Satan himself...

St. Paul’s Worship Services February 27 & 28, 2022

St. Paul’s Worship Services February 27 & 28, 2022

Feb 25th, 2022 |

This weekend we will climb the mountain with Jesus and see him reveal his glory as he makes plans to fulfill his mission at the cross in Jerusalem. Our sermon is based on Luke 9.

February Church Newsletter

February Church Newsletter

Feb 18th, 2022 |

Check out this month's church newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship Services Feb 20 & 21

St. Paul’s Worship Services Feb 20 & 21

Feb 17th, 2022 |

Greetings everyone! We are coming to the end of the season of Epiphany where we see Jesus revealed as our powerful Savior. In our sermon series through the season...

Sunday Worship Services, February 13-14, 2022

Sunday Worship Services, February 13-14, 2022

Feb 11th, 2022 |

Christ's victory is ours, and he lets us partake of it in the Lord's Supper. Today, we come together for a holy meal. Our sermon is based on 1 Corinthians 10:16-17.

Early Childhood Shape The World Event!

Early Childhood Shape The World Event!

Feb 6th, 2022 |

Shape The World! FREE Early Childhood Events at St Paul's! Join us February 12th and March 12th! Click the document attachment to find more information and to register!

St. Paul’s Worship Services February 6&7

St. Paul’s Worship Services February 6&7

Jan 31st, 2022 |

Greetings everyone! One great joy we have in gathering together for worship is simply this: faith spreads. By the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, God strengthens his people in faith and moves our mouths to glorify him in the world. Our sermon text clearly says these things from Romans 10:12-17.

St.Paul’s Worship Services January 30-31, 2022

St.Paul’s Worship Services January 30-31, 2022

Jan 28th, 2022 |

Jesus was sent to proclaim the good news to more people. It is vital for us to remain in his Word, believe it, and teach our children from little on. Our sermon is on 2 Timothy 3-4.

St. Paul’s Worship Services January 23-24, 2022

St. Paul’s Worship Services January 23-24, 2022

Jan 21st, 2022 |

Where can children of God turn when God’s enemies belittle and blame and abuse them? We gather for boldness in opposition. Our sermon is on Acts 4.

St. Paul’s Worship January 16 & 17

St. Paul’s Worship January 16 & 17

Jan 14th, 2022 |

Greetings St. Paul's Family and Friends As we continue through the Epiphany season of the church year (Epiphany means revealing; God revealed Jesus as the world's Savior), today we see how incredible the means of grace are for our salvation. Through them God brings us his strength. We study this through the second lesson from Ephesians 3.

January 2022 Church Newsletter

January 2022 Church Newsletter

Jan 14th, 2022 |

Check out this month's Church Newsletter!

St. Paul’s Worship Service, January 9-10, 2022

St. Paul’s Worship Service, January 9-10, 2022

Jan 7th, 2022 |

Today we celebrate the beginning of the long-awaited ministry of the Messiah. Our baptism was the beginning for us too, where God saved us. Our sermon is based on Titus 3.

Early Childhood Shape The World Event!

Early Childhood Shape The World Event!

Jan 2nd, 2022 |

Shape The World! FREE Early Childhood Events at St Paul's! 3 Saturdays - January 15th , February 12th and March 12th! Click the promo document attachment to find more information and to register!

St. Paul’s Worship January 2&3

St. Paul’s Worship January 2&3

Dec 30th, 2021 |

Happy New Year! This weekend we celebrate the festival of Epiphany. While it was no secret to God, this day he makes it known the gospel is for all people! All are welcome to the forgiveness of sins in Jesus and the open door to heaven through faith in Jesus. May the Lord lead us by this gospel to repentance and faith and a life that honors this incredible grace! Pastor Mueller

St. Paul’s New Year’s Eve Service

St. Paul’s New Year’s Eve Service

Dec 30th, 2021 |

Greetings everyone! This year has certainly been one for the books. Who would have anticipated any of it? Still God's guiding hand has gone with us through it all. Where will tomorrow go? What unanticipated things will come our way in 2022? No matter what, our faithful Lord will not fail us. For our encouragement and comfort we study the final verses of Hebrews 13.

St. Paul’s Worship Service, December 26, 2021

St. Paul’s Worship Service, December 26, 2021

Dec 26th, 2021 |

After the build up to Christmas, the next day can feel like such a let down. Yet we have reason to rejoice today as we find the child Jesus in the temple. Our sermon is from Psalm 84.

St. Paul’s Christmas Day Worship - Dec. 25

St. Paul’s Christmas Day Worship - Dec. 25

Dec 24th, 2021 |

God's gift has finally come! After years of waiting in faith, John leads us to see the incredible grace and truth wrapped up in flesh in Jesus Christ. Our festival service centers on John 1:1-18.

Christmas Eve Worship Service, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve Worship Service, December 24, 2021

Dec 22nd, 2021 |

The heart of Christmas is about God's redeeming love. We hear and sing of God's love, born for us on Christmas. Our sermon is from Isaiah 9.

St. Paul’s Worship Service Dec. 19 & 20

St. Paul’s Worship Service Dec. 19 & 20

Dec 17th, 2021 |

Greetings everyone, Through the first few weeks of Advent or focus has been on aspects of humility. As the Christ child is about to come into the world, our lesson this weekend has us look at his humble attitude. It is so encouraging to see Jesus understand both his role and his body. Then you see an incredible attitude that wants to put it to work...and for us! The sermon text is Hebrews 10:5-10.

2021.12 December Church Newsletter

2021.12 December Church Newsletter

Dec 14th, 2021 |

Check out our monthly church newsletter!

Christmas at St. Paul’s 10:30 service, December 12, 2021

Christmas at St. Paul’s 10:30 service, December 12, 2021

Dec 10th, 2021 |

Our Christmas at St. Paul's this year will answer the question, "Who is He?" He is Jesus, our Savior, the reason for this season, promised and prophesied, born and shared with all.

Christmas at St. Paul’s 8:00 Service, December 12, 2021

Christmas at St. Paul’s 8:00 Service, December 12, 2021

Dec 10th, 2021 |

Our Christmas at St. Paul's this year will answer the question, "Who is He?" He is Jesus, our Savior, the reason for this season, promised and prophesied, born and shared with all.

St. Paul’s Worship Service December 5-6, 2021

St. Paul’s Worship Service December 5-6, 2021

Dec 3rd, 2021 |

Repentance is the humble admission of our sin combined with the joyful trust that everything needed to bring us close to God has already been done by him. Our sermon is from Malachi 3.

Sunday Worship Service Nov. 27/28

Sunday Worship Service Nov. 27/28

Nov 28th, 2021 |

Welcome to a new church year! Today starts a new church calendar year and we begin with Advent. Advent means Christ is coming and we want to be prepared to stand in his presence.

Thanksgiving Service November 24/25

Thanksgiving Service November 24/25

Nov 24th, 2021 |

A happy and blessed thanksgiving everyone! Our worship services today dwell on the generosity of God to provide all we need....and the only proper response is to worship him for it!

St. Paul’s Worship Services November 21-22, 2021

St. Paul’s Worship Services November 21-22, 2021

Nov 19th, 2021 |

Today, we get to know the eternal, all-powerful, faithful and benevolent King. He is our King, Christ the King. Our sermon is based on Revelation 1.

St. Paul’s Worship Services November 14-15

St. Paul’s Worship Services November 14-15

Nov 12th, 2021 |

The distress leading up to the end of the world will be unequaled in all of human history. Yet today God reminds us that the saints will triumph! Our sermon is based on 1 Thess 4.

November Church Newsletter

November Church Newsletter

Nov 10th, 2021 |

St. Paul’s Worship Services Nov. 7&8

St. Paul’s Worship Services Nov. 7&8

Nov 5th, 2021 |

Greetings St. Paul's family and friends - This weekend we peek ahead to two key events:..

St. Paul’s Worship October 31 & November 1

St. Paul’s Worship October 31 & November 1

Oct 29th, 2021 |

Jesus does not want us to be caught off-guard in the tumultuous times leading up to his return. So today, we pay attention to his Reformation Warning. Our sermon is from Jeremiah 18.

October Church Newsletter

October Church Newsletter

Oct 25th, 2021 |

St. Paul’s Worship October 24 & 25

St. Paul’s Worship October 24 & 25

Oct 22nd, 2021 |

Today, Jesus reminds us his work is carried out also by other people in other places. The Lord’s Ministry is More than Us. Our sermon today is based on Mark 9.

St. Paul’s Worship October 17 & 18

St. Paul’s Worship October 17 & 18

Oct 15th, 2021 |

Today we look at the character of humility. Jesus was willing to go to a cross, and in his life didn't look down on people, especially children in context.

St. Paul’s Worship October 10 & 11

St. Paul’s Worship October 10 & 11

Oct 5th, 2021 |

Greetings everyone, and thanks for joining us this weekend! Today we wrap up our series on Christian financial stewardship. The focus is on the legacy of the giver. Think about that...you and I have a chance to shape the future on earth long after we are with the Lord in eternity. How would we go about doing that?

St. Paul’s Weekend Worship, October 3-4, 2021

St. Paul’s Weekend Worship, October 3-4, 2021

Oct 1st, 2021 |

Today we consider the importance of managing our God-given resources with direction, looking at The Plan of the Giver. Our sermon is based on 1 Corinthians 16:1-2.

St. Paul’s Weekend Worship September 26/27

St. Paul’s Weekend Worship September 26/27

Sep 22nd, 2021 |

Last Sunday we saw the heart of giving is seeing the heart of God in the grace he pours out on us in Jesus Christ. That's why the Macedonian churches responded the way they did in 2 Cor. 8.

St. Paul’s Worship Service Sept. 19 & 20

St. Paul’s Worship Service Sept. 19 & 20

Sep 17th, 2021 |

Greetings all - For the next four weeks we go back to the basics of Christian financial stewardship. This Sunday starts where all Christian life flows - from the heart of God who gives us grace. It's his heart, shown in Jesus Christ and revealed in the gospel that changes ours. May we treasure our Lord and show our heart for the Lord in our giving.

September Church Newsletter

September Church Newsletter

Sep 10th, 2021 |

Here is our monthly church newsletter!

Joy of the Lord

Joy of the Lord

Sep 9th, 2021 |

This Sunday a duet will be singing Rend Collective's "Joy of the Lord". Even in times of grief or trial, we find hope and a reason for joy in the Lord. He has given us the victory through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

St. Paul’s Worship Sept. 12/13

St. Paul’s Worship Sept. 12/13

Sep 7th, 2021 |

If last weekend was a closer look at God's law, this weekend we see what a miracle the gospel is ---and what a distinction it makes for our lives! It is a remarkable miracle!

Weekend at St. Paul’s, September 5, 2021

Weekend at St. Paul’s, September 5, 2021

Sep 3rd, 2021 |

The Scriptures expose hearts that are by nature far from God. Today, we seek cleansing from Jesus for our hearts as we take A Deeper Look at the Law. Our sermon is based on James 1.

Weekend at St. Paul’s, August 29, 2021

Weekend at St. Paul’s, August 29, 2021

Aug 27th, 2021 |

Our Scripture lessons have been recounting the sad spiral of many disciples away from their Savior. Our sermon on Exodus 7 reminds us again not to turn away from the Lord.

August Church Newsletter

August Church Newsletter

Aug 24th, 2021 |

St. Paul’s Worship Services August 22/23

St. Paul’s Worship Services August 22/23

Aug 22nd, 2021 |

Today we finish our last sermon on John six. For four weeks we have studied this chapter. How important these truths are for us - and for us to eat by faith. Three weeks ago we saw the incredible food miracle Jesus did.

St. Paul’s August 15/16 Worship

St. Paul’s August 15/16 Worship

Aug 9th, 2021 |

The magnificent declaration of Jesus to be the bread of life deserves a second look...

St. Paul’s August 8/9 Worship Service

St. Paul’s August 8/9 Worship Service

Aug 2nd, 2021 |

For the next three Sundays we study Jesus as the Bread of Life from John 6...

Weekend at St. Paul’s, August 1, 2021

Weekend at St. Paul’s, August 1, 2021

Jul 30th, 2021 |

This weekend, the Lord reminds us that he not only takes care of our needs, he provides enough for us to be generous toward others as well. Our sermon is based on John 6:1-15.

Summer Splash Pics!

Summer Splash Pics!

Jul 27th, 2021 |

Check out some of these pics from our Splash Event! Click the file button (bottom middle of this post) to check out some of the pics.

Weekend at St. Paul’s, July 25, 2021

Weekend at St. Paul’s, July 25, 2021

Jul 23rd, 2021 |

The LORD has provided shepherds for his people for thousands of years. This weekend, the LORD reminds us that we all still need a Shepherd. Our sermon is from Mark 6.

July 18/19 Worship Services

July 18/19 Worship Services

Jul 16th, 2021 |

If you are going to do a quality job, you need to meet the standards. To serve God and his people...

Weekend at St. Paul’s, July 11, 2021

Weekend at St. Paul’s, July 11, 2021

Jul 9th, 2021 |

Does it ever seem as though Christianity is becoming less and less popular? Today, the LORD teaches us to speak his Word even in rejection. Our sermon is based on Ezekiel 2 and 3.

Weekend at St. Paul’s, July 4, 2021

Weekend at St. Paul’s, July 4, 2021

Jul 2nd, 2021 |

The Lord teaches us this weekend that we can trust him for forgiveness and hope and life, even in the face of death. Our sermon is from 2 Samuel 12:12-25.

Summer Splash Event

Summer Splash Event

Jun 28th, 2021 |

Join us July 24th, 2021 from 10:00 am until Noon!

St. Paul’s Worship June 27 & 28

St. Paul’s Worship June 27 & 28

Jun 23rd, 2021 |

Trust is a tricky thing. We've been let down too many times...

St. Paul’s Worship Service June 20 & 21

St. Paul’s Worship Service June 20 & 21

Jun 15th, 2021 |

On this Father's day weekend, we see the importance of what our Heavenly Father did in providing us the Bible.

St. Paul’s Worship Service, June 13, 2021

St. Paul’s Worship Service, June 13, 2021

Jun 11th, 2021 |

The devil is a murderer who leads the world astray. Today Jesus reveals his power to set us free to live as his brothers and sisters. Our sermon is based on Mark 3:20-35.

Capital Campaign Initial Result

Capital Campaign Initial Result

Mar 8th, 2021 |

After two months of cottage meetings, sermon series, Bible studies, and more, God's people have responded...

Campaign Update with Corey Schroeder

Campaign Update with Corey Schroeder

Feb 12th, 2021 |

Capital Campaign Chairman Corey Schroeder gives an update on the progress and future path of the campaign.

Gym/Play Area Discussion with Mr. Marohn

Gym/Play Area Discussion with Mr. Marohn

Feb 5th, 2021 |

In this video for the capital campaign, Mr. Marohn addresses the lead up to the idea of the expansion project including the play area.

Entryway Discussion with Luther

Entryway Discussion with Luther

Jan 28th, 2021 |

This video was designed for the capital campaign. Last week Mrs. Ann Marohn highlighted the classrooms. This video highlights the entryway.

Classroom Design with Ann Marohn

Classroom Design with Ann Marohn

Jan 22nd, 2021 |

One of the features of the building project is to have several early childhood classrooms...

Capital Campaign Email: January 7

Capital Campaign Email: January 7

Jan 7th, 2021 |

Check out the latest with the campaign by clicking the link!

St. Paul’s and Roxy Coward

St. Paul’s and Roxy Coward

Jan 6th, 2021 |

Meet Roxy Coward! At an event in the neighborhood talking about eggs, she met our member Audrey...

Brittany and Jaxon Story

Brittany and Jaxon Story

Dec 29th, 2020 |

Brittany joined our congregation after taking the Bible information class in 2020. She tells how she came to our congregation, school, and why she stayed!

Greetings from Capital Campaign

Greetings from Capital Campaign

Dec 21st, 2020 |

Eric Eickhoff, a member of the Capital Campaign committee, gives a brief overview of what to expect in the days and weeks ahead with the campaign.

Pre-School Addition Open Forum

Pre-School Addition Open Forum

Nov 9th, 2020 |

St. Paul's Long Range Planning Committee was directed to research options to expand. The following presentation shows the results of our study and the expansion option through Abacus Architects.

October 2020 Newsletter

October 2020 Newsletter

Oct 16th, 2020 |

Here is our monthly church Newsletter. Interested in receiving one every month? Contact the office today!



Mar 9th, 2020 |

On the first weekend in May, 10 young people will be confirmed. "Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life" -- Revelation 2:10

Leadership Video

Leadership Video

Feb 7th, 2020 |

Rev. David Rosenau is a WELS pastor from Florida. He does an incredible job of taking God's people back to the Word for strength and leadership. You will be blessed to hear and grow in faith through this one hour presentation.

Youth Group

Youth Group

Nov 25th, 2019 |

In November our teens served in the community by spending time with Harvest Home residents.

Soon and Very Soon

Soon and Very Soon

Nov 21st, 2019 |

A men's choir will sing "Soon and Very Soon" this Sunday for Christ the King. Take a listen! Words & Music: Andrae Crouch, © 1971 Bud John Songs, Inc. Reprinted with permission under CCLI LICENSE #CSPL155743. All rights reserved.

Contact St. Paul’s Church
