Worship Times

Sundays at 8:00 & 10:30 am

Mondays at 6:00 pm

WELS Daily Devotion



St. Paul’s Worship Services, June 16 & 17, 2024

St. Paul’s Worship Services, June 16 & 17, 2024

Jun 14th, 2024 | By: Pastor Bode

Last year many were concerned that there might not be enough rain for the crops. This year people have said there is too much rain. There is so much about farming that is out of our control. Yet things will still grow. That is how God designed it. Plants will grow and God will provide our daily bread. Today, Jesus teaches us that the same is true of God’s kingdom. Jesus’ powerful Word will bring growth within us, around us, and all over. For this we give thanks and continue to pray, that “God’s Kingdom Grows”. Our sermon today comes from Philippians 1.

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