Worship Times
Sundays 8:00 & 10:30 am
Mondays 6:00 pm
St. Paul’s academic focus begins with students and families. Children are valued as children of God. Each child is also viewed as a loved son or daughter of a family we serve. Parent feedback helps steer our planning and individual students determine our instruction.
Our approach is unique. Unlike most schools today, we are not driven by test scores. We first teach students to be hard working, respectful, honest, and kind. These attributes are modeled by our teachers and staff. We believe our students’ academic success and high test scores are merely a byproduct of the values that have been taught.
With the building and nurturing of Christian character as our foundation, we are able to achieve academic excellence in reading, writing, mathematics, technology and all like.
"Not only did it [St. Paul's] prepare them academically, but it prepared them in a maturity sense and also how to live their faith..."
St Paul’s strives to work to meet the unique needs of each family. St. Paul’s offers an extended care option which children can attend from 3:30 until 5:30 pm on school days. If children cannot be picked up at the end of the school day, they are able to utilize our extended care program where students are under supervised care. Extended care will offer an opportunity for students to complete homework and engage in structured activities until parents are able to arrive.
ContactThe application process for the Choice program begins in February each year and closes in April each year. Please click to visit dpi.wi.gov/choice to apply for choice or for more information. Parents or guardians enrolling students for the Choice program can contact the school choice administrator at St Paul’s for guidance and more information.
ContactThe purpose of the Parents, Teachers and Friends (PTF) group is to promote a partnership between families and staff at St Paul’s. Informal meetings are held once each quarter. These meetings provide opportunities for parents to be aware of matters pertaining to school activities and policies, to provide feedback on curriculum and progressive plans of the school, and to express their views. Parent feedback and support is an important element to the instruction of children and St Paul’s encourages active parent roles in their child’s education. See the school calendar for the dates of these meetings. In addition, our staff and leadership is always willing to meet with parents and encourages families to be an engaged partner in each child’s education.
Minutes & Agenda ContactContact St. Paul’s School