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WELS Daily Devotion



St. Paul’s Worship July 31 & Aug 1

St. Paul’s Worship July 31 & Aug 1

Jul 26th, 2022 | By: Pastor Mueller

Greetings St. Paul’s Family and Friends,

Doing a workout today a spider walked right across the floor where I was working out!

It’s amazing that as Christians who hear the word of God and strive to exercise it in life, sin has its way of working through us. Our first lesson from Ecclesiastes spares no expense in teaching us what we will pay if the stuff of life sneaks in and competes with God! Would you recognize it if it did? Colossians lifts our eyes to the strength of Jesus Christ in the resurrection. He raised you too! Why would we let anything else be placed on his level? Finally in the gospel Jesus knows some pursue wealth as if that’s the goal in life. How foolish they are! Don’t let your eyes blind you to their eternal outcome!

Let God’s word saturate your heart and soul so that God opens his hand to give you eternal riches…as well as earthly joy.

God bless you all! Pastor Mueller

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