Worship Times
Sundays at 8:00 & 10:30 am
Mondays at 6:00 pm
This Sunday in our 11:00 service, 11 young people will make promises of faithfulness to our Lord, who has been faithful to all his promises to us. The Lord encourages all his people to be faithful to the point of death, and he will give the crown of life won for us by our risen Savior. Faithfulness to Jesus includes attending worship and communion often, for by the gospel in Word and Sacrament the Lord strengthens our faith and keeps us close to him. It also includes living in repentance, drowning our sinful nature each day and living a new life in Christ. It also includes seeking to belong to a congregation that holds to all of Jesus’ teaching. With all the pressures and temptations we face, we need the strength and courage that only the Lord provides. Our sermon is based on Joshua 1.